Our little Kaleb is getting to be not so little anymore. He is growing and developing so fast. He weighs a chunky 19 pounds. We love to kiss on his great big cheeks.
Here are a few things we love about Kaleb at 6 months.
I love to compare Kaleb’s size to other kids his age. This is Kaleb’s second cousin, Kale. They are about three weeks apart in age but Kaleb has a few pounds on his little friend. Not to mention, the very noticeable discrepancy in head size.
It’s a head so big, not even a hat can disguise it.
One of Kaleb’s favorite things to do is sit out on the porch of our house and watch all the cars go by. If ever he is fussy and I can’t seem to calm the child, I stick him outside in his bouncer and he quiets right down. He could stay out there for hours just watching the world go by.
I love Kaleb’s chunky cheeks. They are so fun to kiss!!!
Kaleb can now sit up all on his own. I love being able to set him down and rest my weary arm from toting him around, because, did I mention, he is a lug! Okay, that is my last reference to Kaleb’s enormity. He is going to start getting a complex.
I love to watch Kaleb and Austin play together. Some of the sweetest moments in my day are when Austin sits down to play with his little brother. What a precious sight! My favorite is when Austin tries to hold Kaleb and says, “you’re so cuuuute”.
However, it is not always sunshine and rainbows when they play together. We have recently had to start implementing the concept of sharing at our house, much to Austin’s dismay.
And finally, at 6 months of age, Kaleb has his first tooth. I love feeding him baby food. I have never seen a kid enjoy food quite like him. I love to give him something new and see his facial expressions as he determines whether he likes it or not. What a cutie.