Sunday, October 9, 2011

Austin’s building blocks

Kaleb 6 months 006

So, one day while I was packing up the kitchen to move to our new house, Austin decided to help me.  I look over and Austin says, “Mom, it’s so big!!!”  He was so proud of himself that he had stacked this canned food so high.  I ran to get my camera to document this proud moment of his.

Kaleb 6 months 007

This is Austin’s really excited/proud face.

Kaleb 6 months 008

He was so proud about how high he could stack that he kept on stacking.

Kaleb 6 months 009

and stacking…

Kaleb 6 months 014

and stacking… He was at it for a really long time.  He thought it was so fun that I was taking pictures of his accomplishment.  He would add a can and then come see the picture I took of his new addition. When the stack would get to high and start to wobble he would say, “Nope, that’s too big!” and then start a new tower.  I thought this would be a one-time thing because all the cans were just lying around in boxes.  NOPE!!!

Kaleb 6 months 024

Once we moved into our new house, every time I turned around Austin was getting into the cupboards and stacking all the cans.  Every time he did it he would say, “Take a picture, mom!”

Kaleb 6 months 025

After a while I got tired of taking pictures every time he took all the cans out of the cupboard.  Not to mention how annoying it is to have to put away cans every five minutes.  I told Austin not to stack the cans anymore, just his blocks.  For the first time in his life he actually did what I told him and he hasn’t stacked the cans since.  Kind of sad now that I look back.  But not that sad, because my cans actually stay where they are supposed to be.


Mandee said...

Do you ever wonder why we bother buying toys. They seem to find more enjoyment out of empty boxes, cans, and pots and pans. I love Austins proud face! So cute!

jess and seth said...

That is priceless! I love how happy he is about it. At least it isn't as messy as playing in flour or sugar, like my kids are always doing . . .